Anti Waste

Anti Waste

Designing out waste, by designing with waste.

1 billion umbrellas are broken, lost, discarded each year (worldwide). Anti takes discarded, lost, and broken umbrellas and transforms them into desirable, must-have products.

They commissioned us to innovatively transform their digital appearance design into an e-commerce site. The challenge was to create not only a fully functional and easy-to-use e-commerce site, but to also create ecological awareness for those who love beautiful products. We came up with a minimal, urban, “in lighted” design that communicates a strong personality with memorable digital imagery for the brand.


Web Design


Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
big horror press
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
Anti Waste
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